3 definitions by SafetyMark

Somebody in the room tells a lame joke....

John: Hahahahahahahahahahaha! *Laughs histerically*

Tim: Stop chasissing in this room! It is bursting my eardrums!
by SafetyMark November 25, 2009
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A ready made packet drink.

The word "Bento" comes from Japan meaning ready made packet food. So "Vento" means ready made packet drink.
Mrs. ABC sees her maid in the kitchen...

Mrs. ABC: Hey! Where is my vento? I am very thirsty and I need to go office very soon! I cannot be late... Hurry up!

Maid: Yes, Ma'm
by SafetyMark November 25, 2009
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A word to describe that you have prepared yourself readily for the event ahead.
Tom and Benny had to go for camp. As they were leaving the house...

Tom: Are you ready to go?

Benny: Obviously.. I have Safety Marked a thousand times just now!

Tom: Ok, lets go!
by SafetyMark November 25, 2009
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