2 definitions by Saeni


Man who is super cute, sexy, sweet, smart, and loves tiny sae. He is known for sweet nam and dongtan yugyo boy. He always does his best at his studies and work, and sometimes crave for having a good time with sae. He suffers from sae's obession and toxic love. kak kak
Kim Taehyun byeong jang nim,,,,
Taehyun ssam, do you have any question?
by Saeni February 3, 2022
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Man who is super cute, sexy, sweet, smart, and loves tiny sae. He is known for sweet nam and dongtan yugyo boy. He always does his best at his studies and work, and sometimes crave for having a good time with sae. He suffers from sae's obession and toxic love. kak kak
Kim Taehyun byeong jang nim,,,,
Taehyun ssam, do you have any question?
by Saeni February 3, 2022
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