1 definition by SUR Mike

A code of conduct akin to honor when motorcyclists are on/around thier rides or associating with other motorcyclists. An unspoken unbiased understanding that everyone who chooses to ride any machine with a set of handlebars and a saddle is welcome to this international family. This code of conduct is identified with every riders salute, when they stop and provide support to fellow riders seen posibly broke down on the side of the road, and shown in any other form of lawful assistance or encouragement to continue safely as motorcyclists.

Being a biker is not a title one grants themselves. Is not part of a criminal elliment, or openly advertises to be part of one. Is NOT someone to be feared. Finally a biker EARNS this title in thier hearts by how they conduct themselves and is perceived by their brethren as such. It is a title one can lose and re-earn by those actions. It is the badge of honor one values as a motorcyclist.
I busted my chain I was on the side of the road, and a biker stopped and had an extra master link to help me get back out on the road.
by SUR Mike April 22, 2019
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