1 definition by SU DOE NIM

n. a disorder of the heart caused by having substantial exposure to extremely attractive individuals and their extremely attractive bodies.

Symptoms include
- an unreasonable, extravagant passion or lust for the individual whom the patient may hardly know
- overlooking imperfections in personality of the individual
- obsessive thoughts or daydreaming about the individual and their extremely attractive bodies
- the inability to concentrate the task at hand
- romantic delusions of grandeur
- an effort to 'understand' the individual
- fb stalking of the individual

and a general loss of overall dignity and integrity.

The disorder may last from a few weeks to even a few months depending on the patients resistance to such deluded thoughts and the patients exposure to the individual and their extremely attractive bodies.

There is no known cure as yet.
louis: "wassup?"

anna: "oh just fb stalking my lover-to-be again."

louis: "dude you have a baaad case of infatuitis."
by SU DOE NIM March 9, 2011
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