2 definitions by STDAVE

A creature with long spindley forearms,with larger hands, thin fingers, and enlarged middles fingers (like an eye-eye). Huge beefy shoulders, GLUBB belly (though built) see definition for "GLUBB". Short powerful legs. Long thin neck with a one-eyed pinhead.
Rare creature, attacks and lays eggs through its middle finger - Infecting/pregnating the victim with its eggs. The victim gradually, over a 1 month period deteriates to a sack of skin- resembelling a cunt, and a new cuntbottom is born.
by STDAVE November 5, 2003
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a sledge hammer (this is the only thing in my tool box)
"use that tool over there. its perfect for hanging priceless artwork."
by STDAVE September 30, 2005
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