3 definitions by SOAD rules

The dance that Serj Tankian does, because he's cool!
And at the end of the dance . . . . um it's . . .well . . . the end.
Serj rules, and so does the rest of SOAD!
by SOAD rules August 30, 2003
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The brilliant vocals in System of a Down.

Has a jolly good beard!!

A lovely poet.

Uses the phrase "and what not" a lot.

Fucking beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!
The best singer/songwriter/poet in the world is Serj Tankian.
by SOAD rules December 24, 2003
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A fucking genius on bass.

Nicely built.

Belongs to the best band to ever grace any Earth . . . . If you don't know System, then you are a retarded turd.

Goes by the name Tactic as a DJ.
Shavo Odadjian should have his own talk show for injured puppies.
by SOAD rules December 24, 2003
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