4 definitions by SNUBBED

a video - game that takes too much space, leaves corrupt files when deleted, and spends tons of moneh in adverts. Seriously?? half my screen?? Google needs AdBlock. I cunt handle this shit.
Not to mention, this game is nothing like the ads, It sux... Terribly... worse than my mom.
take a look at the GIF yourself
My computer has no life after I downloaded Second Life
Do you know what's worse than Fartnite??? Second Life
by SNUBBED July 29, 2019
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A way of badly insulting someone. This can make your scheul bullies cry.....unless they know it means poop.
Stop that, you piece of crud!
teacher arrives, horrified

me: it means poop

teacher: smiles and walks away
by SNUBBED June 24, 2019
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a good response to where. make them nibbas cry.
(usually said with a nibba accent. Best effects when accompanied with a creepy smile.)

YOUR mom's house
Yo MAMA'S house
Yo mom's STREET
etc. etc.
noice eh?

thats yo daily dose of urban dicks

courtesy of nanga nepali. urf Gucci
Hey, jack, where you been?
Yo mom's house.

Where do you think you're going??
Yo mom's house.

Where'd you come from?
Yo moms house.

Where is the dumpster?
yo moms house

Where do they store so many mcpuffs?
yo moms house.

I said it once to a teacher so don't argue.
by SNUBBED June 24, 2019
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a blue alien from a planet we call Jadoo ka Planet (Jadoo's Planet). He wears a sack and loves hiding in barrels. He feeds on sunlight or Dhoop. He plays the main role in a Bollywood movie.
He has a theme song => "ohm, ohm, ohm ohm"
Jadoo was left behind by his friends as they thot that he ain't hot. But later they accepted him back.

On Urth, he met a guy called Rohit, who is retarded.

Jadoo performs some spacey magic shit (AKA Jadoo) and Rohit becomes osum.
But Rohit being the nerd, is still rejected by the girl.
Are you from Jadoo ka planet?? (if the person relates to blue or alien or commits a stupid act)
You are Jadoo. (if the person relates to blue or alien or commits a stupid act)
by SNUBBED July 29, 2019
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