2 definitions by SJ3

A dick got bitten by a Cinnaminson Werewolf, and every cresent moon a weiner gets hairy and grows teeth
A:I thought i had an STD but i forgot a werewolf sucked me off and could have bit me, i guess i have a wolfdick?
B:IF your name is devin kloss you are the first of its kind
by SJ3 December 2, 2006
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A:) When a person in Cinnaminson Wraps toilet paper around their weiner
B:) When your wiener dies and your body doesnt; hences preserved by toilet paper
After having my weiner bitten off by a KlossStien McDevin, and returned in toliet paper, sewed back on, and it bacame a Mummydick
by SJ3 December 2, 2006
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