5 definitions by SC1296

Ice Is Hail

A prank you use to trick your dumbass friends into saying "Hail Isis"
"Hey dude, say "Ice is hail", repeat it, and say it faster every time you repeat it.

"Okay. Ice is hail ice is hail ice-is hail ice-is hail ice-is"

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I caught that on video"

"You dick."
by SC1296 June 27, 2022
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Pokemon Wack

A Pokémon fangame with over 4800 Pokémon, 52 types, weird-ass jokes, and shitty MS paint sprite work that will make you feel like you're tripping balls
Person 1: "Hey, have you ever played pokemon wack?"

Person 2: "No, what the fuck is that?"

Person 1: "Look at this video of it right here."

Person 2: "Oh... Oh god.."
by SC1296 July 18, 2022
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The place where extremely strong people go to and you invite all of your friends
"Hey guys, can we go to ASS WORLD"

"No shut the fuck up it's 2 in the fucking morning"

by SC1296 July 2, 2022
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The misspelling of the word "revenge" for shits and giggles, also what you call the third part of a series; distant cousin to Electric Boogaloo.
"What movie should we watch?"
"How about spiderman?"
"Which one?"
"Spider man 3 the revege"
by SC1296 December 4, 2022
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119th Street

The place where all of the fights take place, and it's better than fight club
*The Gang is at a random place*
Bella: Hey, wanna go fight some random kid?
George: Fuck yeah.
Bella: Hey, me and George are gonna go fight someone right now.
Old Guy Running The Place: Oh no you aren't! You kids can go fight at 119th street, next to the POLICE STATION! But sure as hell not here!
by SC1296 May 20, 2022
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