1 definition by S.Elmes

The shit youth of today.
Aged about 12 - 16, thats only a guide line this speice is growing and younger and older memebers are turning.

You will never see a scroat on their own, hey always are in gangs, usually hanging around wasting their lives outside shops, on street corners and other public places.

Its certain you will this high squeeling noise wen near a Scroat which goes like "EEERREEEEEEE!"

Dressed in Rockport boots, adidas tracksuit bottom (socks over the bottoms) a dirty jumper, and FAKE Burberry Baseball cap.

Take care, you will be asked for a "CIGGIE"

Mine and Daniel Stephensons collective term for Scroats is, a BAG of.
Look at any youth on the streets today and you will see one.

"NOOOOO Fuck yous its Fucking mi White lightnin fuck youS!!!!!"
by S.Elmes January 26, 2004
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