3 definitions by Ryan D Scott

1. Someone who is stupid, a ridiculous person, someone who has no knowledge in the field of discussion.

2. Word used to mean getting crazy/Krunk/Hi-Fi but not being a big enough tool to say one of the mentioned words.

3. Saying something stupid

4. A person who can not read and write
1. That illiterate kid from the burbs blares Souljah Boy in his shitty van with rims. That kid said that Jay-Z is way better than Nas, he is illiterate.

2. We are gonna get so illiterate tonight that we will lose our sense of smell. "Lets get Krunk", "I would but I am not a fag so I am gonna get illiterate"

3. "Dave Chappelle is not as funny as Dane Cook", "Are you fucking illiterate? Yes he is."

4. Souljah Boy, Dolla, Fat Joe
by Ryan D Scott May 5, 2008
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Adjective; may be shortened to awk and said in quick succession to end a bad situation and to let the parties involved know you don't want to be there

1 - used to describe situations in which a person or persons are aloof, confused, or have been caused discomfort.

2 - most commonly used to describe events/persons that cause a general malaise of uncomfortableness.
1 - When all the guys realized they had made out with the same girl that night it became real awkward. It was pretty awkward when she mentioned she had slept with her boyfriend's best friend.

2 - I hate that kid he is so awkward whenever he is around people, it is like he was raised by mentally challenged cave people. I am so awkward around her because I can never tell if she knows I slept with her best friend.
by Ryan D Scott February 16, 2008
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Beer Pong Term

1. Occurs at parties when a particular song that one team or player really enjoys, thereby increasing that persons skill. Similar to home field advantage. Can be gaged on a scale of 0-10 depending on how much one enjoys the song or is pumped up by the song.

Creators Ryan D Scott/ Theodore Javier Bartholomew Kramer I at Indiana University in the Gamma (x4) House.
1. When Bohemian Rhapsody came on the kid with the Queen T-Shirt on started hitting a lot more cups. (Person who loves Snoop Doggy Dogg) When "What's My Name" is being played I get an immediate song advantage of like plus 10.
by Ryan D Scott May 28, 2008
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