1 definition by Ruston Smelter Kid

Adj. meaning prone to do and say stupid, moronic things and basically acts like an idiot. See 'tard

Noun or Adj. Regional insensitive reference to the patients at the State Hospital located in Buckley, Washington, used to insult people viewed as "inferior," especially with regard to social skills.

Usage: Primarily used by the 14 and under set of the 1970's...hopefully never to return, but hey, we found it funny at the time. And then ya grow up.
About a person who is rather dull or socially inept:
Yeah, well..he's buckley.

To a person acting too flambuoyantly in public:
What are you--buckley?!

To a person who states the obvious:
Duh, buckley!

And used by the most insensitive sort:
Heyuh, buckley retard! (said with contorted lips, tongue protuding, rolling or crossed eyes, and perhaps staggering step)
by Ruston Smelter Kid September 27, 2006
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