2 definitions by RussellCrowe

Verb. To pull a Tommy is to tell your friends that you will be "right back," but then not return for several hours, if at all.
"He's been gone awhile, but he said he'd only need a minute. I hate it when he pulls a Tommy on me."
by RussellCrowe May 18, 2013
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A new letter of the alphabet meant to replace 'C.' It makes the sound of one clearing his throat. If in a placement typically consisting of "ch", use as the original sound. Established 2010.
Lowercase: (*)
Uppercase: {*}
"My favorite animal is a cat" becomes: "My favorite animal is a (*)at" with a klerv.

"Cranberries can be crunchy" becomes: "{*}ranberries (*)an be (*)run(*)hy" with a klerv.
by RussellCrowe May 18, 2013
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