2 definitions by RuDi kAzOoTi

homo sapien creatus is a sub-species of homo sapien identified by dynamic thinking styles and confident action. Sapien creatus can be taught to think in abstract terms and to take innovative risks during an entrepreneural endeavor. Creatus are creative problem solvers, adventurous, kind and helpful.
Homo creatus are movers, shakers, leaders, critical thinkers who challenge conventional behaviors while striving for something better. Homo creatus can be heard saying, "Go for it" and "Be productive today"
by RuDi kAzOoTi March 21, 2009
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A sub-species of homo sapien identifiable by specific behavioral traits reminiscent of neanderthal culture in the 21st century BC. Unable to adapt to new paradigms a second sub-species, homo creatus is emerging to rekindle a new-renaissance.
Americanderthal can be trained to follow a logical, repetitive order and rely on well rehearsed methods. Americanderthal are easily fooled and strictly adhere to routines that make them feel safe and secure. Americanderthal can be heard saying, "Don't work too hard, and take it easy". Americanderthal always color within the lines and always stay in the box.
by RuDi kAzOoTi March 21, 2009
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