1 definition by Roxcyn

noun: dance (Popularized in the 1940s to 1960s)
noun: a blow with the first, a club, etc
verb: to hit (somone)

verb: to masturbate. Popularized by Cyndi Lauper in 1984 with her song "She bop" (that promoted masturbation).
noun: the act of masturbation

1) He went to his Ballroom and Bop class (this example would be strange in the 2000s, but it may be encountered in literary works from the 1940s to 1960s)
2) MOMMY, he bopped me in the head with that book!
3) Son, you know you shouldn't bop your brother. A bop in the head is not nice! (
4) Hey, Sara, have you ever bopped? I've never done that before and I want to know what it feels like.
5) Don't come in the room! I'm bopping to a porno video!
by Roxcyn February 12, 2006
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