3 definitions by Rosy's Son

Sprit country refers to the one country that many travelers go to that makes them feel alive and powerful. A country that helps guide or protect a person on their wanderlust journey.

This country has all the characteristics that a person, who is traveling through it, shares or embodies.

It can also mean a country that is a metaphor, often in a funny matter, for someone or something a person relates to or admires.
Kingsley: How was Bangkok
Anthony: Bro, it was amazing. Bangkok is my spirit country. It is all me
by Rosy's Son April 20, 2020
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When you have fond memories of attending Florida A&M Univerisity
Man, I have a serious case of Famstalgia
by Rosy's Son May 20, 2020
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is a musician who appears to make people move by playing hip-hop trap beat.
Joe is one hell of a trap charmer. His beats always have people moving like a snake
by Rosy's Son May 18, 2020
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