2 definitions by RonRonBinks

(pronounciation : Zig-Pie) : A Word used to get the attention of any man named Ziggy. He's so hot that your skin would instantly melt by the sight of him. You find yourself so attracted, that your panties get wet, or your jeans develop a Bulge. Meme Originated in the Twitch Broadcast of : ZiggyStorm
Omg, I'm finally watching the famous Ziggy, I wonder if he'll notice me :o NOTICE ME ZIGPAI!!!!!
by RonRonBinks May 28, 2019
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A flirductionist finds getting a bf/gf easy.. they mastered the skills of flirting, and seduction both. they know what the other sex wants, and desires, and they know how to reach their arousal state.
I am a flirductionist. Master of Flirting and Master of Seducing. I can get anyone I want. I am not a hoe or a slut, i am only a Flirductionist.
by RonRonBinks December 29, 2017
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