4 definitions by Rina

"i will read non boobs at the game tonight cause it is teh hat."
by Rina December 6, 2003
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sex god, used when discribing someone hott, pretty, sexy,
Rina: He's my Gerard Way, who's yours?
by Rina March 1, 2005
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a person who is very loveable & caring they seem quiet but really r not they love all their m8z & care soooooooooooo much bout their b/f!!
by Rina February 25, 2005
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A girl who is literally perfect. She is smart, funny, dreamy, beautiful, and everything a guy could ever ask for. If you have her as a girlfriend then you're the luckiest guy to walk the face of this earth... Because she's the most amazing girl in the world.
Loos at Cliona over there, she's so perfect, standing over there! Every time I look at her I fall for her again and again.
by Rina June 1, 2014
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