5 definitions by Rev the cum snatcher

It is simply the pussy or clitoris/sexual organ of a female pan cult member, and it is simply irresistible.
"Yo that panussy was great last nice"
"Albert gets a lot of panussy"
by Rev the cum snatcher July 19, 2022
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A holiday celebrated on Mars on the 32nd of Juneuary at 13 PM. It is known as "Fuck Louie day" as on this day you fuck Louie. This normally uncludes Rev, Troll and Louie in a group.
Hey wanna celebrate fuck Louie day with me? -Troll
by Rev the cum snatcher November 12, 2021
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Ew is that a f*male human being, that's kinda cringe ngl.
Rev has a burning hatred for g*rls
"Whispering is a simp for w*men"
"why does Rev censor the word f*male?"
w*men are cringe in many ways
by Rev the cum snatcher February 20, 2022
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Whispering#2722 is gay as fuck. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Troll is gay.
by Rev the cum snatcher November 13, 2021
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