1 definition by Regretterien

Ex mining town in the Rhondda Valleys of South Wales in the U.K. Since the last of the mines closed it has been in steady decline with the only real remaining industry being double glazing factories and pubs. Everyone not living in a grass hut now has double glazing and since they banned smoking the pubs are closing on a daily basis so fundamentally the area is fucked.
The younger generation are proud to be 'Valley Boys' and 'Valley Girls' which translates to mindless, foul mouthed, grubby, shellsuit wearing, inbred window licking mutant wearing all they jewelry it owns. If female they can be graded by stage of pregnancy, if male by number of spelling mistakes in their tattoos (a Fleur de Lis is obligatory).
The older generation tend to be highly religious, proud of their heritage and ruined by booze and coal dust.

Do go; If you like singing, fighting and heroin

Do not go; If you have any sense at all.
Q Fancy a night out in Treorchy?
A Have you lost your fucking mind?

Q I wish your parents wouldn't keep cheering when they hear us having sex.
A Oh come on, they're your parents too.
by Regretterien May 11, 2011
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