4 definitions by Refridgerfreezer

The Oikuy code is a modern code used on phones. It uses the symbols corresponding to the letters to spell out the word. The symbol corresponding to the word is found on the top right of the key. For example: the symbol for q is +
An example of the Oikuy code is this: ×&!/÷:÷= (spells out whatever)
by Refridgerfreezer February 13, 2018
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That advice you just gave me was one of the most tratic advices I have gotten yet. You should go kill yourself.
by Refridgerfreezer February 13, 2018
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A trard is a person who tries too hard in life. Tries to do everything right and get all of the ladies. Usually ends up failing and being unsuccessful in life. Can also be refered to as a "Failure".
Do you see that guy over their? Yeah, he is a very trard person.
by Refridgerfreezer February 13, 2018
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No! Herberjerble is a falseonym!
by Refridgerfreezer February 12, 2018
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