2 definitions by Reem-O

A stupid term that Oprah heard from somebody else and plaguerized, and now everybody uses it as a buzz word. Generally used whenever ANYTHING happens in a woman's life other than driving the kids to soccer, getting a new minivan, or staying home and watching TV.
Woman 1: Hey look there is a sale at Wal-Mart!

Woman 2: Oh my god! This is a full circle moment for me.

Woman 1: What the fuck are you talking about? Are you retarded?

Woman 2: No. Oprah says it every second day whenever something happens to her.

Woman 1: Oh my God! Then this is a full circle moment for me too!
by Reem-O May 18, 2007
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Comedian best known for starring in the early 90's sitcom "Full House", as well as, "America's Funniest Home Videos". Commonly misspelled "Bob Saget".
Bob Faget is currently hosting a game show called 1 vs 100.
by Reem-O May 14, 2007
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