2 definitions by RandomRobloxian101

A notorious figure on Roblox who is known for being a host at Legends Secrets. She is most well known for being very salty and rude when she was a contestant and constantly tries to report and fire other admins for no reason. A nickname for her is Salty Donkey. People also use the word to describe someone being salty or rude
Stop being such an EpicDino124! It's just a board game, it doesn't matter if you win or lose.
by RandomRobloxian101 June 27, 2018
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A term used to describe someone that is a sore loser or is very rude. These types of people also try to make others fail and are hypocritical. Sometimes used to describe an employee trying to get another employee fired
Stop being an epicdino124! I didn't do anything wrong so stop trying to get me fired
by RandomRobloxian101 June 27, 2018
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