1 definition by Raina Walters

A hospital you never ever want to be admitted to. We all have that one wacko job for a relative or friend. Multiply that by like 300 and stick them all in a tiny room painted baby blue and make them talk about the issues they have and watch them go. It's like playing a game of stick the yellow shapes in the right spots and wait for the red box to explode and blow pieces everywhere. If you live near one I suggest you move because the crazy ass-holes break out the glass and run free. Then it is like playing a game of "Where's Weirdo". I worked at one and I will say that I could not wait to get to work. There was never a dull moment. If you love caos and mayhem you really should consider a career at the nut house.
Working at a psychiatric hospital is like having a year long pass to the freak show.
by Raina Walters October 11, 2007
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