2 definitions by ROastingKids24

Stupid, Retarded, rude ass bitch who always gets on your nerves. If your dating a Malaya Leave, like now!
Oh no it's a wild Malaya...
by ROastingKids24 December 6, 2021
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behave as though attracted to or trying to attract someone, but for amusement rather than with serious intentions.
"it amused him to flirt with her"

(of a bird) wave or open and shut (its wings or tail) with a quick flicking motion.
"a moorhen stepped out of the reeds, flirting its white tail"
a person who habitually flirts.
"Jim was an outrageous flirt"
Should I go flirt with Jordan? He's really hot...
by ROastingKids24 December 7, 2021
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