1 definition by RETARDDUMBASS

A catch all term synonymous with the experience many men have post orgasm in which they may feel at peace and clear of mind, or depressed and anxious, or even a false sense of clairvoyance. It's result of the human brain's response to sex, that being lowered inhibitions, large amounts of dopamine and other hormones flowing, etc. immediately coming to a halt, which may also feel like reentering reality, or time suddenly slowing down to a normal speed. Guilt and shame can also originate from sexual activity involving a partner or pornographic material which when outside of an aroused state the subject finds unsatisfying, unappealing, or even disgusting. A second definition is the intentional suppression of sexual feelings by masturbating before an important outing or date.

In short, the sudden feeling you get after you bust a nut

Syn: post-nut clarity, post-nut guilt, post-nut depression, post-nut clairvoyance, cumming to your senses, sage mode
Scientist: Subject 01 has ejaculated. He is showing signs of regret, a symptom of Orgastic Lucidity

Person 1: The other day I jacked off and I realized why these last two weeks have been kind of shitty
Person 2: That's a pretty serious case of orgastic lucidity
by RETARDDUMBASS June 8, 2020
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