2 definitions by Psychotik Murder

1.An abbreviation for the word "Hey"
2.Put at the end of a sentence to add more verbal contact between two people
3.Used to change a statement into a question. Usually at the end of the sentence.
1."Eh sexy."
2."How are you today eh."
3."That was some cool stuff, eh?"
by Psychotik Murder November 18, 2004
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1.A literal meaning is a pair of underpants.
2.Substitute for "asshole, dickweed, fuckball, fucktard, bitch, bastard, asskisser, donkey-raping shit eater, shit face, etc."
3.The cool way of saying asshat(see above descriptions)
1."Are you wearing your 455H47?"
2."God what an 455H47."
3."You're a real 455H47."
by Psychotik Murder December 11, 2004
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