1 definition by Proud_to_be_honger

Statement #1: Talking loudly

Yes. Indeed, Hongers talk loudly. And as a honger myself, I feel that it IS annoying at times, but to be equally racist as some people on here are already, the way North-Americans talk is just as annoying as the way hongers talk.

Statement #2: Weird-ass clothes

First of all, white people wear crappy + ugly clothes that are baggy + cheap-looking, but are probably more than 100% more expensive than Honger clothing. Why? Because the fashion styles that hongers have are unique + fashionable, not like a dull old white t-shirt with jeans. As for black people, well, I have no comment about that. What I'm saying is that hongers have a unique sense of style, and there is nothing wrong with it. And I personally think that Honger styles are awesome. The engrish writing on the shirts have no significant meaning, but is what adds to the uniqueness of Honger fashions. And what's with white people and black people tattoos that have chinese words on them? They usually don't make sense either. From what I know, it's not like white people clothing have JUST english on them. Some have chinese writing on them, and they make no sense at all. So if you're saying that the english writing on Honger clothes don't make any sense, look at yourself first, before dissing Hongers. Also, I definitely do NOT agree with the definition of "ugly colors" on clothes. The clothes you buy in North American malls are no better. What colors do they come in? White, black, brown ... etc. They have no uniqueness at all, and are cheap looking at such a high price.

Statement #3: Meaningless noises

They are NOT meaningless noises. We speak CHINESE, and in chinese, words like la, wor, ne, ga ..etc ... are not meaningless at all. To us Hongers, words like "PIMP" ... "dude" ... etc .. have no meaning at all either. What is the point of using such words when you can just use normal words that are ACTUALLY in the dictionary.

Statement #4: Stupid camera poses

Well, we do have our own "stupid" camera poses, and so do white / black people. We make loser signs, or put up their middle finger when taking photos. Who wouldn't call these "stupid" poses? When it comes to photo taking, I've seen many white people taking dumbass pictures on their webcams that have NO meaning at all, and are basically useless.

Statement #5: Expensive electronics

I do admit that Hongers like to buy expensive cellphones and cameras because it makes them look cool. And as for this one, I have no objection what so ever.

Statement #6: Shopping at Honger malls

If white people are allowed to shop at their own malls, why shouldn't hongers be able to shop at Honger malls? Also, there is no law that Hongers can't wear clothes with detachable sleeves and holes in their shirts. It is called FASHION SENSE, which white people and black people obviously don't have. As a matter of fact, you probably wouldn't be seeing Honger women wearing shirts that show 1/2 of their breasts. That is not considered fashion either.

Statement #7: Dyed hair

If you are claiming that Hongers dye their hair into "weird colors", white people dye their hair too. We Hongers consider dying your hair blue and purple (which some white people actually do) is not fashionable, and is pure U-G-L-Y. And the majority of Hongers do NOT have orange hair.

Statement #8: Music genre

Yes, Hongers have their own type of music genre, and so do white people and black people. What's up with rapping anyway? It's not even music. It's basically a pile of words that don't make sense, and are said to the rhythm of some loud annoying music. Also, what's with making those annoying hand movements while rapping?

Statement #8: Expensive cars

Where I live, I see a lot of Hongers, as well as white people and black people. About 50% of the expensive cars I see are driven by people other than Hongers. Yes, Hongers buy a lot of expensive cars, but not as expensive as white people and black people.

Statement #9: Obsessions with "pieces of paper"

I've seen numerous white kids playing with pokemon cards and digimon cards. What is with the english books that have to do with Digimon and pokemon? Or a "pokedex"? Or a "game boy advance" game with a little Pokemon adventure? Don't you think that counts as "obsessions" too?

Statement #9: Hello Kitties

Hello kitty is a cute little japanese character. What is wrong with liking it? And also, characters like playboy bunny are liked by white people too. Hongers just find playboy bunnies interesting, and use them on bags and sweaters, but there is no problem with that now is there?

Statement #10: Annoying Hongers

In conclusion, Hongers can be annoying. But you cannot judge Hongers by what you see on the outside. Hongers tend to have a better attitude, and they are more polite towards their elders (greetings, table manners ..etc) So finally, all races are equal, and a dumb site like this should defitnitely be banned.
by Proud_to_be_honger January 15, 2005
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