1 definition by Proud Red Deerian

The BEST city in Alberta. Located between Edmonton and Calgary, it is at the center of the Albertan heartland. It's a clean city filled with parks, 3 excellent high schools and various shopping centers, it is an amazing city to live in.

Individuals who live outside this city often are very ignorant of this city. In fact, some, such as the clueless cretins who posted absurd definitions of this city, haven't got an inkling of what this city is about. They are usually retard, fag homos who happen to cross Gasoline Alley and think that's the City of Red Deer.

Red Deer rocks!
People who actually live in Red Deer: I love this city! Thank goodness I live in Red Deer!

Fag douchebag who has no life: Aww may gawd!! Red Deer suuuucks............. let's rub our dicks now..............
by Proud Red Deerian September 22, 2009
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