2 definitions by Pop Oracle

To carry out or fulfill the command, order, or instruction of.

As coined by former dancer Mandi Martin, this term is sometimes used in place of obey.

Is also at times used mistakingly in place of obedient.
It was all I could do to get her to obediate my instructions.
by Pop Oracle August 20, 2010
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Noun. Regional.

1: a wide walkway
2: a slang term referring to a 1930's womens-only walkway
3: a walk with a wide gait
1: There was no shortage of space for all of the folks on that broadwalk.
2: This path is for gents. Tell her to use the broadwalk.
3: He was a large man. Did you see his broadwalk?
by Pop Oracle September 15, 2010
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