16 definitions by Poopee fingers

A male device used for fucking or pissing
Definition 1: "I'm gonna use my penis to fuck that dirty slut next door tomorrow"

Definition 2: "Jesus Christ I've got to take a piss! Where did I put those Justin Bieber CD's"

Definition 3: "There we go, got the peanut butter, got my penis and now it's time to find Fido"
by Poopee fingers August 23, 2018
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The only true dictionary of this world, FUCK THAT WEBSTER PIECE OF SHIT!!!!! Also I want to fuck something Im very horny!!!!
by Poopee fingers August 7, 2018
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Child: Mommy! look its that crazy man from infowars.com

Mother: Come along Junior Alex Jones is off his nut!
by Poopee fingers August 3, 2018
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A man from Faux News who I desperately want to punch in the face and needs to be punched in the face
Some brainwashed idiots were watching Fox News today and on it stupid ass Tucker Carlson wouldnt let his guest speak before opening his mouth.
by Poopee fingers November 28, 2018
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Another talentless auto tune abusing narcissistic egotistical bitch that comes out of no where like lil tay or Danielle Bregoli. She got famous probably a cheap way more than likely by sucking music industries dicks. Younger generation loves her because she's popular, not because she has unique voice, almost like fidget spinners that everyone wants because someone esle does, and all fidget spinners do it spin, nothing cool. Her music sounds like any other singer today, very generic, bland pop and nothing unique. Cant wait for the younger generation to grow up so they can realize they all listen to garbage and make people who say stupid shit famous.
Tasteless Trash worshiping sheep: Hey look its Demi Lovato, I wish I could be her

Me: You can just go on live television and say something retarded or suck a lot of big businesses dicks then start your own shitty music that people will by just because you're well known
by Poopee fingers August 7, 2018
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Fox News is news so fake it describes itself as Fox News
Husband:Honey did you see Fox News today!?

Wife:No pumpkin why?

Husband: Well don't its such Fox News
by Poopee fingers August 7, 2018
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You should have swallowed you dumb bitch, now the world is infested with cancer!

=Jake Pauls parents
by Poopee fingers July 15, 2018
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