3 definitions by Polkovnik Blyatski

Elite Lucky Gamers is an online retailer that partners with other entities and sells shit that nobody can find. The owner is not an Elite gamer because he loses 1v1s to noobs. Renown for once selling robux it now sells random shit.
Hey , did you hear how Elite Lucky Gamers got fucked by Pay Pal?!?
by Polkovnik Blyatski May 14, 2018
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Translates as "Pancake" but is also a Russian slang term for a whore.

Alternative to Blyat and often used as a joke
Oi blin , bring the kvass. It is time for Slav hardbass.
by Polkovnik Blyatski December 21, 2017
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Skirting boards can cause excitement when seen and cause episodes of skeng.

Jay Swingler gets excited by skirting boards.
I saw this Skirting Board and hit some mad skengs bruv
by Polkovnik Blyatski October 4, 2019
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