2 definitions by PokePhione

She will kill anyone in her way and if you offend her you will die a painful death. Also she is lesbian so boys give the fuck up she already has a girlfriend. Ask her on a date and your date to die will be sooner.
guy: i love laura she sexy. laura: you are dead guy: ahhhhhhh laura : finaly he died
by PokePhione August 27, 2021
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Laura is the badass person who will kick the shit out of you when you aggravate her. She is the LGBTQ+ person that will stalk homophobes and beat the shit out of them. Also she ONLY likes girls so don't ask her out if your a boy or you'll get it.
Guy: You are such a hottie you sexy sugar. Laura: I only like girls and those who ask me out will get it.
by PokePhione August 27, 2021
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