2 definitions by Plinkton Cyclopes

A crybaby pussy that landed on the DL in 2004 with a thrown back from sneezing and demolished (in one season) the support of Chicago fans. Keep in mind that he was second in Chicago sports fans behind Michael Jordan, and blew that after crying through an entire season about his batting position (even though he was batting in the low .200s) and refused to act like a team leader. Thankfully, the Cubs dumped him off much to the joy of Cubs fans that were sick of his bat-corking, responsibility dodging, premadonna attitude. Congrats O's fans, he's your problem. Have fun watching the number 2 all-time strikeout leader and keep wondering why you lose close games due to his lack of anything other than a longball. At least you can DH him though.
Sammy Sosa is a crybaby pussy, I'm glad he's gone. Now the Cubs can rebuild and not choke in the stretch.
by Plinkton Cyclopes February 25, 2005
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What? Corky landed on the bench? Oh wait, sorry, splitting DH time because 'he's tired.' Oh, and that pitiful 2-40something june. Lets not forget the Orioles current freefall in the AL East to the Yankoffs and BoSux.
Sosa still sucks, though he's your problem now O's fans. Sorry guys.
by Plinkton Cyclopes July 10, 2005
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