6 definitions by PiggyIsEpic


The coolest guy in TwoSMP, honestly he's just really a nice guy. He is also god but is super humble about it. He is rich with target gift cards btw
by PiggyIsEpic October 18, 2020
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Oneplain is the kind of person who likes to kill cats and children just for the fun of it. It could also be used to describe a nazi of sorts.
Dude Oneplain is literally killing the entire world, who is he hitler?
by PiggyIsEpic November 14, 2020
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When you are so epic, you make a new word. To get epíco you must at least have seventeen wins at fortnite and two minecraft betrays. You also must have killed the following and made a potion out of them in minecraft: 2 1/2 Furries, 1 baby skull, a group of THOTS, and god.

You could also join the GAMER ARMY.
Dude, Phillip is so epíco, I wish I was just like him.
by PiggyIsEpic November 16, 2018
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Stupid Nathan

Someone who is so dumb that they make a new word. When I say that they are dumb I mean incredibly dumb, so dumb that during every class that they fall asleep during every class. So DUMB that they do a CPS Click test every day. SO INCREDIBLY DUMB THAT THEY END EVERY ARGUMENT WITH NO U AND HATE PIGS. GUATI!!!
Person 1: Ew, what is he doing? Is..is he playing fortnite?
Person 2: Oh, that's 'stupid nathan'.
Person 1: Oh, I'm so sorry. I thought it was someone else...
by PiggyIsEpic November 25, 2018
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Cobbed Cream Corn

When you get scammed so hard you start to wonder how you fell for the scam in the first place. This also applies for cat phishing. It usually ends up with your head having an orgasm.
Man, she was way out of my league, it's like cobbed cream corn.
by PiggyIsEpic November 16, 2018
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to channel a seizure into a specific part of your body. So much so that it creeps everyone else. Most people use it during sex and rip the anal cavity or vagina of the receiver with the vacant hole.
Wow, you just popacotied! You've got to warn me before you do it!
by PiggyIsEpic November 16, 2018
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