1 definition by Physcologist Fendus Brown

A beautiful person, who is always trying to be unique. Loyal and motivational, this person becomes an inspiration to be. The name primarily meaning heaven and sky, appears in this person's evergreen personality. A Strong relation to travelling is formed in the early stages of a Vyoma's life. Being a Vyoma, you are well known for being open, assertive and restless. You are a firm believer in honesty being the best policy, which explains for you franks and, sometimes, blunt way of communicating. In all matters of life, you are assertive and confident. If there is something on your mind, you make sure to let others know. Restless and varied in your interests, you may have a hard time settling on specific pursuits. It is no wonder why you are such a Jack of all trades!

A Vyoma has strong sexual attractions towards Germans, specially cute German boys.

And boys with names starting with the letter 'R'
Vyoma is so fun,
Vyoma is always trying something new.

x. Hey look at that painting of an eye.
y. oh, that is typically Vyoma.
by Physcologist Fendus Brown November 1, 2013
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