3 definitions by Philosopher to the fuckwits

The Anthropocene, or the new epoch, which dates from the commencement of significant Human impact upon the geology and ecosystems of the Earth.
Humans of the Garb Age cared little for the sensitive balance of the Earth's ecosystems.
by Philosopher to the fuckwits February 3, 2018
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A friend who, regardless of what happens in life, how badly they may turn out, and how much shit they might end up throwing your way, will always be your friend.
She's caused me more trouble and anxiety than anyone ever in my life, but I still love her because she's one of my very few always friends.
by Philosopher to the fuckwits January 29, 2017
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The act of using an angle grinder to cut a section of tarmac away in order to free up the hands of an "activist" who has glued themselves to a road or other object such as a handrail in an opera house: the physical removal of an individual who will make as much difference to the planet as a protoplasmal microbe.
Debonding: "The climate activist, having glued their hands to the road with superglue mixed with sand and cement, (in order to ensure the strength of the bond), was debonded by firemen. Medics assured the activist that they would almost certainly require amputation of the hands, if they were to avoid fatal septic shock."
by Philosopher to the fuckwits December 12, 2022
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