2 definitions by Phil Fantana

A Noun used to define that guy that always has a few to many cans of (usually) light beer and ends up becoming a great nights bad work of art once passing out. Yes.. we've all drawn on one of these guys.

To identify this type of guy at the start of a party, look for the following:
* A raving loony that peaks far to early in the evening.
* Can usually be seen carrying a woman's handbag, while trying to carry it off as "fashion".
* When challenged or reasonably questioned about his dress sense will reply, "Everyone dresses like this in Russia". He will say this even if he is not from Russia. This is a ploy to simply have ignorant people believe that he is cultured. Do not fall for such trickery.
"Is that a Penis drawn on that guys head? What a Markerdouche!"
by Phil Fantana January 27, 2010
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A word often used as a Noun to fill gaps of the language skills for poor English speakers.

A term used by those commonly associated with low intellect and a poor sense of humor, generally speaking, males from Belarus or guys that people often mistake as being from Russia... or simply don't care where they come from.
Instead of "Excuse me would you mind passing me that fine plate of Indian Curry?". A typical personal of challenged intellectual capacity (Usually from Belarus) would say, "AYE!, Scharmuta! Gimmi da curry shabib!".
by Phil Fantana January 27, 2010
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