12 definitions by Phantom Definition Writer

I know I guy who chops up wood with his chainsaw. Idiot.
by Phantom Definition Writer October 14, 2005
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The guy who defeated Issac Hayes, Bruce Campbell and a Che Guevara lookalike, escaped from New York and L.A, rescued Donald Pleasance, screwed over the American government twice, managed to pilot the world’s worst animated minisub, rode a tsunami with Peter Fonda and shot his way through a thinly disguised polystyrene wall, all with one eye and an impractical mullet.
Snake Plissken is cool.

Snake Plissken said "Draw"

Snake Plissken wants a smoke.
by Phantom Definition Writer December 13, 2005
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"To Tarantino" is to rip off wholesale, because you have no ideas yourself, and pretend it's a homage.
by Phantom Definition Writer November 9, 2005
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