11 definitions by Peven glugh

When white people are losing an argument on Twitter, and cheaply invoke something Martin Luther King, Jr said that doesn't support what they are tweeting, in an effort to win an argument. Based on former Russian Ambassador Michael McFaul's tweet storm about Russia.
"America is a fundamentally Christian nation."

"No, it isn't."

"Well, as MLK once said..."

"Stop McFauling, dipshit. Just admit you're wrong."
by Peven glugh March 3, 2022
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A grossly unnecessary act where everybody on Facebook recycles the same stupid, unfunny memes over and over all day so that your feed is filled up with the same bullshit posted 300 times over.
"Cut out the memecycling -- I've seen that goddamn ERMAGERD cat twelve times in the last hour and I may just fucking kill myself, Ted!"
by Peven glugh June 26, 2012
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To have no earthly idea how anything works but make your opinion known as loudly as possible anyway, usually while under the influence of alcohol. inspired by Matt Gaetz.
"My head hurts. What happened last night?"
"After several hours of gaetzing like an asshole, we drove you home and dumped you on the lawn"
"I need to rethink my life..."
by Peven glugh September 3, 2020
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a really shitty situation that stinks to high heaven, and makes you scowl as if you smell shit, like there is poop hangin' out of your butt.
I just drove my car into a tree because some asshole ran me off the road. that's some poopbuttin' right there.
by Peven glugh January 23, 2021
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