17 definitions by Petey

originally an acronym standing for 'Full Shaven And Shit', as in the status of a girls genetalia (specifically the pubic hair around it). yet now has become a mainstream replacement for 'for sure' etc
it can be used in many different ways.
originally: "oy man i fingered Alexandra last night"
"really? is she FSAS?"
statement: "fsas im going to the show"
Q: 'r u going?'
A: 'fsas'
Q: 'do u want a drink?'
A: 'fsas on that'
Q: 'diet coke?'
A: 'diet coke fsas'
by Petey April 2, 2004
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a girl with red pubic hair or a girl with red hair, thus suspected of the same attributes downstairs
Also known as chutters
have you seen that girl alexandra?
who the chutney muff?
by Petey May 18, 2003
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to leave some one or not do some thing

originally from the bars on a jail cell, barred from society.
1)why did you bar me the other night?
2)do you wanna go to the show?
bar that, the show will be shit.
by Petey May 18, 2003
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