1 definition by Peikibuu

Ballzy is in a sphere of her own. So loved by absolutely everyone lucky enough to meet her and her endless good time energy. She is a proper star.
Although she has the ability to make you smile for the rest of your life she also possesses the evil gift of being able to isolate and absolutely cut a person down if she feels they might not like her, as deep down she has never been able to love herself enough to truely see herself as the ball of pure goodness that she is.

She once said “ Melody Faith is and will always be the bestest friend you will ever get!! keep her in your life if you know whats good for you! Life will always be filled with that gorgeous smile!

Love her forever and the repayments will definatly be worth while!”

Melody Faith still loves this girl in the weirdest way, but believe me a Ballzy has the ability to change from light to dark in a way you will never know unless you love one.

All in all, Ballzy generally refers to a constant hopeful failure that might just turn out exactly the way it was meant to, the positive cancels out the negative and you end up COMPLETELY neutral.
Woman- “I was meant to end up happy in motherhood, I only ever wanted to be a mum, but this is so hard that sometimes I hate it!”
Woman’s mum- “oh sweetheart I know, it can be a real Ballzy! But the lows are what makes the highs so high, and I promise it’s worth it.

“Man life can be a real proper Ballzy sometimes… it all started out perfect and I was SO hopeful, but now I can see this isn’t for me at all. And even though I should feel sad about that, I’m also happy I know now.”
by Peikibuu September 21, 2023
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