2 definitions by PehrH

The term for a person who is for intents and purposes, "normal."
They may not be totally cool or amazing, but are definately NOT the social outcasts that its opposite, 197, refers to.

Antonym: 197

Comes from the course numbers of Washington University physics; 117 is general physics and 197 is "death physics" that attracts only the chess-club type.
"Johnny is definately a 117."

"Sarah likes math but she is cool too, she's more 117 than 197."

"That 117 over there is cute."
by PehrH September 23, 2004
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The term for a person who is the epitome of social awkwardness, could be decribed as "nerdy," or is in some way just plain weird.

Antonym: 117

Comes from the course numbers of Washington University physics; 117 is general physics and 197 is "death physics" that attracts only the chess-club type.
"Melvin over there is so 197."

"See that kid with the Yu-Gi-Oh! shirt? Yea, he's a 197 for sure."
by PehrH September 23, 2004
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