11 definitions by Peepeepoopoo from urbdic

Welcome to one of the most hideous places on the internet. People here on youtube comments have iq of room temperature. Here you'll find all sorts of people, some of them are:

1) The troll: A classic, will start flame war in replies either by stating unpopular opinions or straight up offensive shit.

2) The hungry for likes: Always comments overused shit like "wHoS wAtChInG iN 2021?!"

3) The spammer: Owns 100 different alt accounts. Keeps on copypasting links of his shitty video in replies of comments.

4) The "commenter": "Youtubers" with about 100k subs and 2k views on their videos. Try to abuse their verified checkmark by stealing comments and getting likes with goal of trying to revive their dead ass channel.

5) The bots: Will have profile pictures of thots and will spam random ass words with intention of attracting 12 year old horny kids and tricking them into clicking scam links.

If you're feeling like you have too many brain cells, head over to youtube comments to instantly lose them. Filled with idiots to the brim and bunch of people exploiting them. Still better than twitter.
The year is 2126
Guy 1: I miss the early days of internet.
Guy 2: *Shows a picture of youtube comments from that time*
Guy 1: Thanks, I no more miss it.
by Peepeepoopoo from urbdic November 5, 2021
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Pfffft was PewDiePie's Minecraft bee in his Minecraft Hardcore series. Pfffft had a bad habit of escaping his house through holes between the blocks. Pfffft died from drowning in water.
RIP Pfffft
(17-12-2020 - 28-12-2020)
Pfffft: *Drowns in water and dies*
Pewds: What!? He drowned! Nooo! It was a kid swimming pool you idiot!
by Peepeepoopoo from urbdic January 4, 2021
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India is a country in South Asia.
Bruh who the fuck names their children after a fucking country?
Guy 8: So the other day I looked up "India" on urb dic and got definitions of some girl's traits
Guy 9: Somebody tell those simps that bitch India is a country and not a fucking person
Guy 10: Btw guys have you seen Guy 1 and Guy 2?
Guy 8: They both died from too much work, thanks to urb dic users
Guy 9 and 10: F
by Peepeepoopoo from urbdic February 15, 2021
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What Urban Dictionary persuades you to do when you search up "get a get a mug mug". Aka Mugception.
Ben Dover: I've heard that you are great at reading?
Mike Hawk: Yes I'm the greatest.
Ben Dover: Then read this: "Get a Get a get a mug mug mug."
Mike Hawk: *Fucking dies of a stroke while trying to comprehend*

Get a Get a get a mug mug mug for your mug Mug
by Peepeepoopoo from urbdic February 15, 2021
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