3 definitions by Paul the Reverend

Adjective used to describe something between "a little bit shitty" and "extremely shitty."
That aquaman movie was lukeshitty, I should have stayed home and taken a two and a half hour long shit instead.
by Paul the Reverend January 9, 2019
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To bother or bugger someone in the asshole with a foreign object such as a pineapple, finger, flashlight, or an Italian grinder.
Vincent, you shouldn't barass your wife with that drumstick because she could get salmonella of the ass.
by Paul the Reverend February 1, 2018
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When someone hurls a purple butt-plug across the room and into someone’s ass.
Vincent gave his wife a flying grimace because he was suffering from floppy dick syndrome.
by Paul the Reverend January 9, 2020
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