3 definitions by Pat in the effin hat

An expression used to express helplessness, or a potential "Oh SHIT" moment, Essentially when you realize you are helpless to prevent an adverse occurrence from happening.
As i ran up the steep and muddy hill, I began to slip, and as I grabbed small trees to gain my footing in vain, I yelled "No Charles!"
"No, Charles!" popularized in the "im the juggernaut bitch" video when the Shiar chick shoots the helmet off his head that usually protects him from Professor CHarles Xavier's telepathic abilities.
by Pat in the effin hat April 1, 2006
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A weird looking pussy. May appear clawed or to have "crow's feet" in older models...Xenipus is a genus of clawed frogs from South America frequently used in scientific experiments because of their fast life cycle.
Man. I got this girl to the crib, and she was bangin, then i got her draws off and she had a serious xenipus, so i just got some head. I dont trust pussy that looks like that.
by Pat in the effin hat April 1, 2006
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A person of African, Hispanic, and European (white) ethnic background. Typically found in/native to the Americas and the Caribbean, However, 'Euroblackspanic'. Native-Born American (United States) people that have mixed ethnic identities as a result of the American "melting pot" phenomenon are also suitable candidates for classification as Euroblackspanic, since we are running out of words such as mulatto (used to describe mixed african and european heritage), and "Blaxican", "Niggarachi" and "Afrospanic"- used loosely to describe people of Central/South American- African American descent. Note the hilarity of the terminology.
My dad was 25%MExican, 25%Venezuelan, 50% African Descent. My mom was 25% Irish, 25% Scottish, 50% German. Therefore, I am Euroblackspanic.
by Pat in the effin hat April 1, 2006
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