3 definitions by Paddeloo


Yoshikawa is an auto-correct for Yoshi. Yoshi is a character in a video game called Mario.
"Who is your favorite character from the game?"
"Sorry, I meant Yoshi, darn autocorrect."
by Paddeloo March 2, 2017
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Usually a gaming term for "good game".
-Person gets final kill-
"Yeah, gg."
by Paddeloo March 3, 2017
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Dramatic Irony

Dramatic irony is when something dramatic happens that is also ironic.
Ex. Someone has a national champion Frisbee throwing trophy, and is going to throw you a Frisbee. When they throw it, it hits them in the face.

"Dramatic irony is very difficult to master when writing a story."
"It sure is!"
by Paddeloo March 2, 2017
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