3 definitions by PKDL

As the duration of a film set grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Harvey Weinstein (if not jokingly) approaches 1.

Coined by a Mr. Louis of the CUNY Brooklyn College Film Department based on his observations of others on different sets.

Like Godwin's Law for film sets.
*On a film set, Person 1 walks by brushes against Person 2*

Person 2: Hey, don't touch me!
Person 3 (to Person 1): Are you trying to be Harvey Weinstein or something?
Person 1: Now hold on a sec...
Person 4: This sounds like a cheap, lazy example of "Louis's Law".
by PKDL January 29, 2018
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Something people on Facebook used to say in 2010 after posting a picture or pictures, as Facebook would make a post with the user's personalized message showing off the picture(s) that had separate likes from the actual picture(s), whose thumbnail image a user had to click or press on individually to like.
Message of Facebook User posting a picture on Facebook, circa 2010 AD: Like the picture not the link hoesss <3333 lolzers lolzomg
by PKDL December 15, 2022
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A person who does things like take a great story to television with an unlimited budget and choose to use less than offered to slowly liquidate the universe of that story over the years and ruin everything (i.e. David Benioff or D.B. Weiss).
David Benioff is a fucknut. D.B. Weiss is a fucknut. David Benioff and D.B. Weiss are both fucknuts.
by PKDL June 27, 2019
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