10 definitions by PJeigh

Variation 1: When a male's private part is so long or the shorts (and underwear) are so short, that the male private part dips below the bottom of underwear and is visible below the bottom hem.

Variation 2: When a man's private parts are so long that they dip into the water in a urinal.
Var 1: "Dude, you need longer shorts. You're weighing anchor."

Var 2: "Man, I hate when I weigh anchor. That urinal water is disgusting."
by PJeigh June 17, 2011
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N. The yearly anniversary of when you were canned (a.k.a. let go, downsized, considered redundant).
Alternate use: canniversary
I've decided to throw a Cannediversary Party to celebrate the day I was tossed out of that corporate Hellhole. All the ladies will wear pink slips, we'll serve canned foods, downsized items like mini weenies, have a bonfired and end it by letting some firedworks go off.
by PJeigh April 30, 2007
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noun. (pl. danswers)

A response to a question or series of question utilizing the physical expression of physical movement, ie. dance, typically sans words.

verb; danswering, danswered

The active utilizing of dance to explaining something that is confusing, either concrete or abstract ideas (eg. a movie plot, love, a cool breeze or Wednesdays).
1. I can see that you have many questions after my PowerPoint presentation. Let me change into something more comfortable so that I can provide you some better danswers.

2. I danswered her question about the plot of "Tenet," so I'm pretty sure she understands it now.

3. Please turn the music back on. Can't you see that I am danswering his question right now?
by PJeigh June 18, 2021
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