2 definitions by PHR4G

The event where mushrooms, through an error in their natural biology, emit a caustic acid. This acid, although related to Caustic Soda use in refinieries, has the reverse effect of Caustic Soda. It is a rare phenomenon. The mushrooms has usually been exposed to a higher than normal dose of radiation or an irradiated substance. Irradiated fungicide will usually cause this. It is recommended that if you are to venture near these mushrooms, wear a radiation suit.
An example for Anticausticosis is not needed here.
by PHR4G November 4, 2008
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Used in a very few servers on CoD4 and probably a variety of other Online FPS'. Usually servers that have decided to ban the use of the M203 Grenade Launcher.
(CoD4 Context) Remove the Noob Tube.
by PHR4G November 4, 2008
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